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Lynda Payne is a spot-on communicator who is enthusiastic about connecting with the community from a deep place. Her fervor for active communication was sparked at a young age during her journey as a black female athlete in the Chicago Public Schools. Lynda’s story is about an adolescent novice athlete from the gang riddled neighborhood of Humboldt Park who chooses to utilize the world of basketball to support her in navigating life and death situations. Her desire to create a lane of her own landed her in leadership positions that began with pioneering all girls basketball teams at the age of 12 to developing herself and teammates at Malcolm X and Wright College. Acknowledging that the dream of playing professional basketball was fading she pursued a degree in Communications at Chicago State University. Lynda ventured off into the world of radio as an ON-AIR Personality and Programming Director for a decade. She became passionate about working and servicing high-risk youth and simultaneously served as a Life Skills Educator for the Department of Children and Family Services. 

Lynda’s desire for HOLISTIC living grew via her career change to become a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2016. After receiving her diploma from the SOMA Institute her eyes were opened to the unfortunate truth that Medical Apartheid plagued her and her black and brown community. Medical Apartheid is "a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race, relating to the science of medicine, or to the treatment of illness and injuries." She realized that during her experience as an athlete, she was never introduced to, or taught, about the importance of wellness, prevention, maintenance, recovery, or sustainability, and understood that the system was set up to do just that. 

Lynda’s fire for advocating holistic living increased exponentially daily and her vision for educating and facilitating healing arts workshops expanded rather fast. In 2016, she became the Founder of Holistic Choices Center and has served as the Licensed Clinical Massage Therapist, Program Coordinator for the Campus Culture Wellness Plan, Reiki Master and Chakra Healer.  Lynda’s dedication and compassion for building strong and safe relationships allows for her coaching to bring individuals to success. Lynda’s hope for our global community is that we promote the importance of Healing Arts at every possible turn. 


Specializing in Reiki, Chakra Healing, Clinical Massage Therapy; treatments go as followed: Sports/Athletics, Trigger Point Therapy, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Aromatherapy, Myofascial Release Techniques! I am also experienced in treatment protocols for several common conditions; Piriformis Syndrome, Whiplash, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, TOS, Tendonitis; Fibromyalgia, Whiplash; Headache; Plantar Fasciitis.




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