Welcome to Holistic Choices Center ​Massage has been our main source of care function up until Covid-19 hit. Now Holistic Choices Center is branching out to use other healing methods that can further lead to a holistic approach toward mental, physical, emotional and even spiritual health. We are continuously building upon our virtual healing community through educating and facilitating healing arts through a holistic lifestyle that's made affordable for you and your family as well as those less like to have access to such support.​
Virtual Payne Support consist of bringing awareness towards healing the body through Chakras and Reiki, information, and education. Creating a holistic choice lifestyle through Distance Reiki, affrimations, Reiki infused holistic baskets, Reiki infused crystals and more. The goal is to give a Chakra Reboot to help bring a sense of peace and ease to both the client and therapist. Distant Reiki can helps to accelerate the enhancement of your healing, which is why we offer Distance Reiki as help along the way. The ultimate purpose is to work on each Chakras, learn to identify possible blockage and how to bring health back into those particular energies and your life as a whole.