Did you know that there are at least 17 tents, underneath the westside tracks near Chicago Ave & Kedzie?
This is exactly why Holistic Choices Center will be having our very first Wellness drive for this small community residing on the West side.
Our goal is to create, package & drop off at least 30 ( aiming for 50 ) "Holistic Wellness Choice” packages!
Included in each bag:
Foods: Deli Sandwiches, Fruit, & Water Bottles.
Hygiene: Sanitizer, Sanitary Pads, Mask, Tissue, Sanitary Wipes, & Toothpaste/Toothbrushes.
Gifts: Two Crystals plus some words of affrimation!
But we need your help, and this is an experience and opportunity we would like to open up to our community!
You can inbox on Facebook @ Lynda Payne Holistic Choices Center or email us @ INFO@HOLISTICCHOICESCENTER.COM
for more details on how to get involved!
Be the change on the right side of history, while making your own Holistic Choices to bring wellness to this community of people who are in need.
Thank You!
Peace and Many Blessings!